Tuesday, August 31, 2010

I ♥ Lady Gaga

Tonight was a good night. I had the best Soy Latte ever - Thank You Transcend - while hanging out with my best pal, Max, went to Chapters and purchased two new graphic novels and a brand new daytimer, and I also picked up the September issue of Vanity Fair - Lady Gaga on the cover. I love Lady Gaga.

Now, I don't usually buy Vanity Fair, or any magazine for that matter, but this one I felt I had to have. After seeing her in concert last week, Lady Gaga has become so much more than just an entertainer to me. Yes, she is an incredible artist and puts on an amazing show, but what most people don't understand is that she is also a very inspiring, well spoken, and intelligent woman. She believes in self expression, freedom to do and say what you feel inside, and she encourages self love and self acceptance. Be free, be who you want to be, and don't let anyone tell you that you're not good enough or that you can't. "Don't leave here loving me more, leave here loving yourself more..." I went home that night feeling empowered, happy, and free. That is what Lady Gaga did to me, and she entertains so that all of her fans can feel that way too.

Birthday Mix CD - Volume One

I got my first Birthday Mix CD today!!! YEEHAAW!!! I am super excited and really really happy about it. Thank you to my good friend Tony Bao for this wonderful gift. The awesome cover and the little kitty on the back made my day. Here is the track list from his mix:

1. Ceremony - New Order
2. Airbag - Radiohead
3. Only Shallow - My Bloody Valentine
4. Rock n' Roll Star - Oasis
5. Pump it Up - Elvis Costello
6. This Charmless Man - The Smiths
7. Come Together - The Beatles
8. Love Will Tear Us Apart - Joy Division
9. The Electric Co. - U2
10. Message in a Bottle - The Police
11. Serve the Servants - Nirvana
12. Rusty Cage - Soundgarden
13. Geek U.S.A. - Smashing Pumpkins
14. Debaser - The Pixies
15. New Sensation - INXS
16. Clocks - Coldplay
17. In the Sun - She & Him
18. Pictures of You - The Cure
19. Last Goodbye - Jeff Buckley

Monday, August 30, 2010

Cross Stitching

Something that people don't know about me is that I love to cross stitch. I love seeing the images and ideas in my head come to life, one stitch at a time. I've been working on a pretty major project for a good friend who recently moved away. It is slowly coming together, and I can't wait to see it complete. Below is something that I made for my boyfriend for Valentine's Day. I got the idea from another piece that I saw on the internet, and then modified it to make it our own. It took a total of about 24 hours and a whole lot of love to complete... and he loved it. The little gray kitty that you see is Graysie. She belongs to Taylor, Eric's old roommate. We love Graysie.


Friday, August 27, 2010

PacMan Cutting Board

When I have my own home, I am going to fill it with amazing things like this! Someone please get it for my birthday. PRETTY PLEASE!!!


Tuesday, August 24, 2010


I am pretty new to this whole blog game. I'm not the most internet saavy person, so the steps have been small and slow. I am, however, learning how to do everything - from posting to editing, putting up photos to videos (which I learned from my good friend Dan). I feel my blogging skills have sprouted from its baby stages to its early toddler stages. I am so proud! Check out my friend, Jordan's, blog - he is definitely in the mature stages of this game. He writes about very interesting and educational topics. Way to go, smarty-pants!

Click here! http://jordallan.wordpress.com/

Baby Shower Menu

I haven't written too much about food and cooking/baking on here yet - which is crazy because my brain is constantly consumed with thoughts of those things. I love to cook, I love to bake, and I love to eat. Growing up in the restaurant business, I was always surrounded by tasty and delicious things. I loved spending time in the kitchen and watching my parents and learning from them. I jumped in to help at any chance that I got. I continued my education in food when I took one year of Culinary Arts in college. I didn't go back for the second year because I realized I did not want to be a fancy gourmet Chef. I just want to cook and bake and share my passion of food and love with my friends, family, and people who share these same passions. I hope to be like my parents someday - small business owners with love and passion for the food that they make and love for the people that they make it for.

Anyways - this weekend my sister is hosting a Baby Shower for my cousin, Christina. The theme is "Your Favourite Childhood Storybook," which is very fitting for the mom-to-be. She is having a little baby girl, which I am very excited about. I will be providing the food for this wonderful event, so I thought I would share the menu with you. Nothing too crazy, just tasty finger foods for an afternoon shower.

Curried Red Lentil Dip
Pita Chips
Zebra Tomato, Avocado, & Red Onion Salad with Balsamic Vinaigrette
Egg Salad in Mini Poppadoms
Oreo Truffles
Mini Vanilla Cupcakes with Strawberry Cream Cheese Frosting
Chocolate Puddle Cookies
Blueberry Cobbler

YUMMY!!! Can't wait to cook!!!

Monday, August 23, 2010

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Camping Weekend

I love camping... I think it comes from my small town roots. There is something about the smell of campfire on an dirty old sweatshirt that makes me feel comforted and happy. As a teenager, many weekends were spent camping with my friends and drinking around the fire. We grew closer to each other as we shared stories, laughter, and tears. Those are still some of my best memories. This past weekend, three of my best girlfriends and I went on a little trip to Lake Wabamun, just outside of Edmonton. It was like we were in High School again... laughing, crying, and sharing stories about everything and anything. We've been through so much, as individuals and as friends. They inspire me to be a better person and to try my hardest at everything. I love them with all my heart and soul.

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Neutered Simon

Simon got neutered today. I was extremely worried about the surgery - which went well - and now I am super paranoid about him over exerting or hurting himself when he's running up and down the stairs. He's is not allowed to play nor jump for a week, which is impossible for a kitten, and I have to make sure he doesn't lick the incision site, which is on his freshly shaved balls. My poor little guy... I hope he gets well soon.

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Happy Feet

I ordered two new pairs of TOMS today. These are definitely my favorite brand of footwear next to Vans. They are comfortable, adorable, and with every pair that you purchase, another pair is donated to a child in need. What an amazing concept and a wonderful and simple way to give back to your fellow man. These are the ones that I'm waiting for in the mail.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mixtape, My Love

My birthday is slowly approaching - September 5th, to be exact - and I have been pondering this idea and hoping that you will help make this wish a reality. I did this once before a couple years ago after my Dad passed away... I felt I needed inspiration and encouragement, and the only way I felt that was possible was through music. I can honestly say that I am in a much better state of mind than I was two years ago, however, I still have plenty of room to learn and to grow. I know my life has not reached its full potential and I am no where near where I want to be. This is where you come in, my lovelies.

I am a true believer in signs - the universe is telling you something, and you need to follow your heart until you find out what it is. I know, how cheesy. But seriously... these past couple weeks, it seems like everything I do, every book that I pick up or article that I read, any video that I watch... somewhere in there is the mixtape. My mind is all about mixtapes. I've got a fever, and the only prescription are more mixtapes. I felt I need to cure this hunger and make my birthday wish come true.

For my birthday, I wish that you, my friends, would make me a mixtape. They can be songs that make you laugh, songs that make you cry, songs that make you smile. Or they can be songs that you listened to as a teenager, songs that remind you of me, songs that remind you of you. There are no limits, no preferences, it's all just about love, music, and friendship. I will listen to these mixtapes and think about you, your life, and how you have touched mine.

My friends are a huge part of who I am. My closest friends are like my family and know me better than anyone else out there. Without my friends, I would not exist as I am today. Thank you to those of you who've sent me mixtapes - or mix cds - in the past. I still listen to them, with you in mind, and I appreciate every thought that went into the songs that were chosen.

Monday, August 9, 2010

Thank You Folk Fest

Monday night after Folk Fest... I have the post Folk Fest blues. I couldn't have asked for a better weekend. Sometimes I forget how lucky I am to be living in the city that hosts the best Folk Music Festival in Canada. This weekend, all my memories came back to me... and it was shared with my best friends and my most amazing boyfriend. At the top of the hill, we are a part of a colourful quilt of tarps and festival chairs, scattered side by side in no particular order. At the bottom of the hill, I catch the overwhelming beauty and mass of that colourful quilt. It is unique, it is organic, it is special. When the sun begins to set, the candles light up, one by one, like the stars coming out for the night. This sea of candles is an image that I hope to see again and again, every single year to come. Thank you, Edmonton Folk Music Festival.

Friday, August 6, 2010

Ben Harper

Ben Harper last night at the Folk Fest was absolutely amazing. Not only is he a phenomenal artist and musician, he is a really nice guy... so sincere and humble. He started with Fight Outta You, followed by Diamond on the Inside, which nearly brought me to tears. Every song that followed was equally as powerful... I didn't want the night to end.

Photograph by: Ed Kaiser, The Edmonton Journal

Thursday, August 5, 2010

Folk Music Festival

Just a couple more hours until I head down to Folk Fest for the night. I am super excited to be surrounded by friends, nature, and music. If you haven't been to Gallagher Park, I highly recommend you stop by on your next walk or bike ride. It is absolutely the most beautiful place to be in the city with the most amazing view of the city's skyline. Here is a shot of Eric and I last year while we were watching Iron & Wine. Absolutely beautiful.

Photo taken by my friend: Tony Bao


I can't believe it's already August! Where did my summer go? I have been so busy with work, I feel like I've exhausted myself from enjoying the summer. Hopefully I get in my fair share of summer sun at the Folk Music Festival - August 5th-8th. In the meantime, here are some photos from the summer of '09 that make me smile.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


Born February 23rd, 2010... Simon rules my heart.

Tuesday, August 3, 2010


First post. I figured I better make this a good one. Tonight I had a coffee date with a few of my closest and dearest friends. Opportunities like this happens once every so often... sometimes it's tough to find a time that works for everyone. The wonderful thing is that we always pick up where we left off. It doesn't matter how long it's been since the last time we spent together, in what combination we are in, or how long we have to laugh and chat... we always make it count. We're pretty easy to pick out of a busy coffeehouse - just follow the laughter and you will find us there. I always leave our date inspired, delighted, and encouraged to do something amazing with my life. Each and every one of them has taught me so much about life, love, and friendship. They are all such talented, smart, and beautiful women... I feel very blessed to have them in my life.