Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Mixtape, My Love

My birthday is slowly approaching - September 5th, to be exact - and I have been pondering this idea and hoping that you will help make this wish a reality. I did this once before a couple years ago after my Dad passed away... I felt I needed inspiration and encouragement, and the only way I felt that was possible was through music. I can honestly say that I am in a much better state of mind than I was two years ago, however, I still have plenty of room to learn and to grow. I know my life has not reached its full potential and I am no where near where I want to be. This is where you come in, my lovelies.

I am a true believer in signs - the universe is telling you something, and you need to follow your heart until you find out what it is. I know, how cheesy. But seriously... these past couple weeks, it seems like everything I do, every book that I pick up or article that I read, any video that I watch... somewhere in there is the mixtape. My mind is all about mixtapes. I've got a fever, and the only prescription are more mixtapes. I felt I need to cure this hunger and make my birthday wish come true.

For my birthday, I wish that you, my friends, would make me a mixtape. They can be songs that make you laugh, songs that make you cry, songs that make you smile. Or they can be songs that you listened to as a teenager, songs that remind you of me, songs that remind you of you. There are no limits, no preferences, it's all just about love, music, and friendship. I will listen to these mixtapes and think about you, your life, and how you have touched mine.

My friends are a huge part of who I am. My closest friends are like my family and know me better than anyone else out there. Without my friends, I would not exist as I am today. Thank you to those of you who've sent me mixtapes - or mix cds - in the past. I still listen to them, with you in mind, and I appreciate every thought that went into the songs that were chosen.