Sunday, September 5, 2010

Happy Birthday To Me!!!

Today, I am 26 years old. I feel pretty good about it. As a teenager, the number 26 has always been my favorite number. It's awfully embarrassing, but this is why...

The boy that I was in love with from grade 4 to grade 9 had the initials, CM. C is the number 2 on the telephone keypad, and M is the number 6. I was a pretty huge dork. I still am because that number has stuck with me into adulthood. It is still my favorite number.

Last night, I got three more birthday mixtapes from three amazing and wonderful friends. Actual cassette tapes! I am so pumped! When they handed me the tapes across the table, I was so touched and surprised - my heart bursted with love. Mark, James, and Steve... you guys are too sweet to me. Thank you so much!

I also attended the Sonic Boom Festival last night. I was there to see City and Colour - which I love. And of course, the one and only, WEEZER!!! A little back story for you... as a girl, I did not listen to western music. I was all about the Hong Kong pop stars that my parents listened to and I had no idea anything else existed besides that. As I got a little older, I think when I was about 10 or 11, I was slowly introduced to bands like Nirvana, Silverchair, and No Doubt. I did not own any of their records. My parents never really had the money for me to blow on stuff like that, so I would watch MuchMusic all the time, hoping that some of my favorite videos would come on. I usually had the VCR ready to press record. I wish I still had some of those tapes.

Anyways, I had a birthday party, I think I was turning 12 or something like that, and one of the gifts were a gift certificate to the local CD shop in Peace River, where I grew up. I don't think I even hesitated or stressed over what I was going to get with that gift certificate. I brought it to the shop, picked up Weezer's Blue Album, and I went home a happy girl. 

They blew my mind with every single song that they played last night, even the newer ones that I was on the fence about. Rivers' stage presence and energy was just so amazing... I think I have a small crush on him now that I've seen him perform live. They played a good balance of old and new, but it was when they did Say It Ain't So, that was when I was the most pumped and oh so happy. That was one of my favorite songs as a teenager, and it was definitely one that stuck with me all these years. There is a very special place in my heart for this band. I can't wait to see them again!