Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Thank You Friends

I had a really really great birthday weekend. One of the best!

Thank you to all of my cousins who came out to have a wonderful meal with me. You are my bestest friends.

Thank you to my beautiful Mother for driving to the city and being here on my day. You are everything that I want to be. 

Thank you to all of my friends who made me mixtapes and cds, came out for drinks and hangouts, and sent me messages and birthday wishes. I am truly blown away and I feel totally blessed and so very grateful. You guys are seriously the greatest people in the world.

Thank you to my Eric, my love, for being the most amazing companion and understanding friend I have ever known. I love you very much. 

I feel like the luckiest girl in the world... I AM the luckiest girl in the world. Thank you!

A few highlights from that night...

Fresh organic veggies from Amy's garden.

Me with a couple beards!

Ryan showing off his flat head.

Birthday note from my Mommy.